Lab 10 Backup and Restore Configuration in MikroTik Routerboard

A. Tujuan
  • Dapat mengetahui pengertian Backup, dan Restore.
    Can know the meaning of Backup, and Restore.
  • Dapat mengetahui cara Backup, dan Restore konfigurasi menggunakan Binary File tanpa password.
    Can figure out how to Backup, and Restore configuration using Binary File without passwords.
  • Dapat mengetahui cara Backup, dan Restore konfigurasi menggunakan Binary File dengan password.
    Can figure out how to Backup, and Restore configuration using Binary File with a password.
  • Dapat mengetahui cara Backup, dan Restore konfigurasi menggunakan Script File.
    Can figure out how to Backup, and Restore configuration using Script File.

B. Konsep Dasar
     Basic Concept
Backup artinya cadangan, Backup dapat dijabarkan dengan membuat cadangan File yang berisi sistem File untuk disimpan jika terjadi kehancuran pada sistem. Sehingga Software yang sebelumnya sudah di Backup dapat dikembalikan ke kondisi sebelum rusak/hancur.
Backup can be described with a backup file that contains the file system to be stored in case of destruction of the system. So the software previously in Backup can be restored to the condition before the damaged / destroyed.
Restore artinya memperbaiki atau mengembalikan, Restore dapat dijabarkan dengan memperbaiki ulang sistem yang rusak dengan menggunakan media Backup yang sudah disiapkan. 
Restore can be described with refixing a broken system using the Backup media that has been prepared.

C. Bahan-bahan
  1. 1 PC/Laptop.
    1 PC/Laptop.
  2. MikroTik Routerboard.
    MikroTik Routerboard.
  3. Kabel UTP.
    UTP Cable.
  4. Kabel Power.
    Power Cable.
  5. Aplikasi Winbox.
    WinBox Application.

D. Langkah-langkah
  1. Buka aplikasi WinBox, klik “...”, pilih MAC Address. Kemudian klik Connect.
    Open application WinBox, click "...", select MAC Address. Then click Connect.

  1. Pilih menu IP Address. Klik  tanda “+” untuk menambahkan IP Address, disini saya akan menambahkan IP Address ether2. Klik apply, dan ok.
    Select menu IP Address. Click  "+" to add the IP address, here I will add IP Address ether2. Click Apply and Ok.

Konfigurasi Binary File tanpa Password
Configuration Binary File no Password

  1. Klik menu files pilih Backup (untuk nama dan password di kosongkan  saja), klik Backup.
    Click menu files select Backup (to empty it name and password), click Backup.

  1. Maka akan muncul nama file secara otomatis. Seperti pada gambar. Kemudian klik tanda copy untuk di Copy Paste kan ke dekstop PC/Laptop.
    Then the file name will appear automatically. As in the picture. Then click the copy to The Copy Paste it into a desktop PC / Laptop.
  1. Setelah file sudah di copy ke desktop, hapus file hasil backup tersebut.
    Once the files have been copied to the desktop, delete the backup file results.
  2. Lalu klik menu system kemudian pilih Reset Configuration dengan menggunakan No Default Configuration.
    Then click the system menu, and then select Reset Configuration using No Default Configuration.
  3. Buka lagi aplikasi WinBox nya. Masuk ke menu files, lalu copy paste kan file hasil backup di desktop ke File list Routerboard. Klik hasil backup yang sudah di copy kemudian klik Restore untuk mengembalikan konfigurasi yang sudah di backup. Klik Restore lagi lalu klik yes untuk merestore konfigurasi dan reboot.
    Open again WinBox its application. Go to the menu files, and then copy, and paste the results of the backup file on the desktop into the File list Routerboard. Click the backups that have been copied and then click Restore to restore the configuration already in the backup. Click Restore again and then click Yes to restore the configuration and reboot.

Konfigurasi Binary File dengan Password
Configuration Binary File with Password

  1. Klik menu files pilih Backup, lalu isi kolom nama dan password. Kemudian klik Backup.
    Click menu files select Backup, then fill colom name, and password. Then click Backup.

  1. Maka akan muncul file hasil backup yang sudah dibuat. Kemudian copy paste hasil backup ke desktop.
    It will appear the file backups that have been created. Then copy and paste the results of backups to the desktop.
  1. Setelah file hasil backup di copy ke desktop, hapus file hasil backup yang ada di routerboard.
    Once the results of the backup file copied to the desktop, delete an existing file backup results in routerboard.
  2. Lalu di reset pada menu System kemudian pilih Reset Configuration, reset dengan No Default Configuration.
    Then reset the System menu Configuration then select Reset, reset with No. Default Configuration.
  3. Buka lagi aplikasi WinBox nya. Masuk ke menu files, lalu copy paste kan file hasil backup di desktop ke File list Routerboard. Klik hasil backup yang sudah di copy kemudian klik Restore untuk mengembalikan konfigurasi yang sudah di backup. Klik Restore lagi lalu klik yes untuk merestore konfigurasi dan reboot.
    Open again WinBox its application. Go to the menu files, and then copy and paste the results of the backup file on the desktop into the File list Routerboard. Click the backups that have been copied and then click Restore to restore the configuration already in the backup. Click Restore again and then click Yes to restore the configuration and reboot.

Konfigurasi Script File
Configuration Script File

  1. Buka New Terminal, ketikkan perintah export file=backup_all_configuration (untuk membackup semua konfigurasi).
    Open New Terminal, type the command export file = backup_all_configuration (for backing up all configuration).

  1. Kemudian cek dengan masuk ke menu Files dan terlihat di tab File List terdapat file hasil backup. Copy paste kan hasil backup dari Routerboard ke desktop.
    Then check with the entrance to the Files menu and look at the File List tab are the result of the backup file. Copy and paste the results of Routerboard backup to the desktop.
  1.  Hapus file backup_all_configuration.backup yang ada di File List.
    Delete file backup_all_configuration.backup in file list.
  2.  Kemudian di reset dengan No Default Configuration. 
    Then reset with no default configuration.   
  3. Buka hasil backup yang ada di desktop menggunakan Notepad, disini saya mengubah IP Address menjadi .  Kemudian disimpan.
    Open the results of the backup on the desktop using Notepad, here I change the IP address into Then stored.
    1. Buka lagi aplikasi WinBox nya. Masuk ke menu files, lalu copy paste kan file hasil backup di desktop ke File list di Routerboard untuk melakukan restore.
      Reopen WinBox its application. Go to the menu files, and then copy and paste the results of the backup file on the desktop to the file list in Routerboard to perform a restore.
    2. Masuk ke New Terminal lakukan import file backup_all_configuration.rsc dan  cek IP address. Go to the New Terminal backup_all_configuration.rsc do import file and checks the IP address.  

    Backup Binary File tidak dapat diedit text editor, dapat membackup keseluruhan data, dan dapat dikembalikan ke konfigurasi semula, sedangkan Backup Script File dapat membackup sebagian atau keseluruhan konfigurasi Router, dan tidak dapat dikembalikan ke konfigurasi semula.
           Backup Binary File can not be edited text editorcan backup the entire dataand can be returned to its original configurationwhile the Backup Script File can backup part or all Router configurationand can not be restored to its original configuration.

    Terima kasih. Semoga Bermanfaat ! dan Mohon maaf apabila ada penulisan kata yang salah.
    Thanks. Hope It's Useful ! and Sorry if there is a mispelled word.


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